
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

$ave More at the Grocery $tore

Save More at the Grocery Store

Step 1: Develop a Weekly Plan

Get Organized:

List the foods that you eat most often and focus on items that will keep such as butter and meat. Both are freezable.

Scope Out Sales:

Start with the grocery ads, then head online. If an item is 50% off or more, get a 3 month supply, then you’ll be good till the next sale!

Create a Menu:

Plan a weekly menu around the sales and your pantry items. Be realistic. If you will be busy one day, eat leftovers or cook something simple. If you need to unthaw something the day before, do it! Knowing what you need at the store lessens impulse buys. Knowing you can pull together an easy meal lessens eating out. This may just lessen your waistline in the process!

Take Note:

Get the following items:

A whiteboard: On it, write down your inventory. This lets you know what you need, because as you run out you can add it to your list.

A binder: Store and organize your coupons here. Shopping without coupons is just plain silly. Why throw your money at the cashier? Save it, save it, save it!

1 comment:

  1. I think I emailed you instead of commenting the first time. :( I take a binder with me too, it not only helps with holding the coupons, but it lets you keep them better organized and where you can see them all at a glance instead of flipping through a traditional coupon holder.
